Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Babies, babies, babies

 Babies hugging babies!  I think the best part of growing and producing our own food is knowing when our son gets older he will know the price of food and where it comes from.  He will understand that an animal needs to be treated with respect in order to receive its gifts.  By feeding them a natural goat and chicken diet we know exactly what is going into the animals bodies and what, or mainly what isn't, going into his.  The craziest part of this is that feeding them what they were made to eat is easier and cheaper than the alternative.  Cheaper is always a bonus.  Not to mention a chicken fed fresh greens has an egg yolk that is bright orange and the whites are firm, not runny like store bought.

Now the only down side is having a sexist chicken.  For whatever reason, they view me as underling and Brandon as alpha-chicken.  I still don't know why I'm on the bottom of the pecking order and my husband is on top.  Do I lack resolve, can they smell fear?! They don't listen to me!  In all seriousness though, it's amazing how much personality can fit into 3 pounds of white meat.  You never know what you're going to get.

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